GCPUG Taiwan Meetup #26


本次活動為您邀請到Google的Kaz san跟大家分享Google ML的應用,以及Michael跟大家分享基因資料庫相關技術,走過、路過、不要錯過唷!

Google Cloud Platform User Group

大家好,我們是 Google Cloud Platform User Group (GCPUG) 台灣分支,我們是一個Google Cloud Platform 相關技術的民間社群,成立的宗旨在分享與交換 Google Cloud Platform 上的一些技術與使用經驗。歡迎對 Google Cloud Platform 有興趣的朋友們可以共襄盛舉。



2017/06/02 19:00 - 21:30




19:00 - 19:30 報名與集合


19:30 - 19:50 Opening & GCPNext 2017 Recap

19:50 - 20:40 TensorFlow in the Wild 

Speaker: Kaz Sato san  / Staff Developer Advocate, Google Cloud, Google Inc.

Kaz Sato is Staff Developer Advocate at Cloud Platform team, Google Inc. Focusing on Machine Learning and Data Analytics products, such as TensorFlow, Cloud ML and BigQuery. Invited to major events including Google Cloud Next '17 SF, Google I/O 2016 and 2017, Strata+Hadoop World London 2017, San Jose and NYC 2016, Hadoop Summit 2016, ODSC East 2016 and 2017. Kaz also has been leading and supporting developer communities for Google Cloud for over 8 years. He is also interested in hardwares and IoT, and has been hosting FPGA meetups since 2013.

TensorFlow, the open source library for machine learning from Google, has been democratizing the world of machine intelligence since its launch in 2015. With TensorFlow, combined with the scalability of Google’s Cloud Machine Learning Engine, now anyone can leverage deep learning technology cheaply and without much expertise. We will explore three examples of business that have adopted TensorFlow and Cloud ML to solve their real-world problems: a cucumber farmer in Japan who was able to build a deep learning-based cucumber sorter by himself, a used car auction service using TF for classifying car models and parts, and a global insurance company that has been able to increase prediction accuracy significantly on accident cases.

20:40 - 20:50 Break & Networking


20:50 - 21:30 Google Genomics API初探

Speaker: 米夏糯
一個興趣使然的Bioinformatician、Taipei Bioinformatics Omnibus的Co-organizer。夢想希望能夠推動台灣生物資訊產業發展及生物資訊教育推廣。


Big data是當下最火紅的一個詞,但許多領域實際上卻不見得有機會真正面臨這個問題,而生物科技領域現在面臨最大的一個挑戰正好就是大數據問題。就在今年全年最大的一間基因定序公司宣布今後一個人基因定序的成本只要100元美金之後,全基因定序將成為日常生活中的一個常見名詞。如何有效地分析大量基因資料也就成為生物資訊領域中目前最重要的一個問題。所幸,Google正好替我們提供了一個相當方便的解決方案—Google Genomics API。本次分享的內容將會介紹Google Genomics API、基本使用及一些相關應用。

21:30 - 21:40 End & Networking










特別感謝本次餐飲合作贊助廠商 - XuTea








  • 歡迎有名片的人可以帶來交朋友,會後有自由交流時間。
  • 歡迎有雲端疑難雜症的,會後討論。
台北市中山區玉門街1號 / 台北市中山區玉門街1號

Event Tickets

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2017/05/21 23:00(+0800) ~ 2017/06/02 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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